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Best-Selling Author, writer and motivational speaker*

*But mostly known for living in a shoebox.

Portrait of Felice Cohen, author of memoirs and guides on resilience, LGBTQ stories, and minimalist living

Yes, the Shoebox Life! Known globally for living in one of the world’s tiniest apartments, I’m also a memoirist and speaker. From how downsizing expanded my life, to writing a book with my Holocaust-survivor grandfather, to uncovering the power of secrets—I share stories that inspire. Curious? Dive deeper here.

Portrait of Felice Cohen, author of memoirs and guides on resilience, LGBTQ stories, and minimalist living
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Portrait of Felice Cohen, author of memoirs and guides on resilience, LGBTQ stories, and minimalist living
Felice Cohen’s Half In, a compelling LGBTQ memoir on navigating identity, hidden love, and the journey to self-discovery
Cover of In the Shadows of Memory, a book by Felice Cohen about family, trauma, and the lasting impact of the Holocaust.
Felice Cohen’s Half In, a compelling LGBTQ memoir on navigating identity, hidden love, and the journey to self-discovery
Felice Cohen’s What Papa Told Me, a tribute to her grandfather’s experiences and survival in the Holocaust
I Bared My Breasts by Felice Cohen, exploring themes of personal growth, empowerment, and embracing vulnerability
Felice Cohen, writer and speaker, known for her inspiring memoirs and minimalist lifestyle tips.
Felice Cohen’s Half In, a compelling LGBTQ memoir on navigating identity, hidden love, and the journey to self discovery
Felice Cohen’s A Father’s Advice, a collection of inspiring advice and reflections from a father to his children
Felice Cohen’s A Father’s Advice, a collection of inspiring advice and reflections from a father to his children
Portrait of Felice Cohen, author of memoirs and guides on resilience, LGBTQ stories, and minimalist living

Gearing up for talks and events in 2025 and finishing up new writing projects. As soon as they're scheduled, they'll be posted here, or feel free sign up for my mailing list.

If you missed my conversation
at Women's Week's 40th Anniversary in Provincetown, MA, you can watch it here on

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follow me on Instagram @felicecohen90

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